Monday, November 20, 2006

forward progress

forward progress
Video sent by jandmduncan
Aidyn starting moving forward while we were in Arkansas. She can now "crawl" a few feet. She only uses her arms to pull herself forward. And she is quite proud of herself as you can see in the video.

Ryan Ashton calls the Hogs

Ryan Ashton calls the Hogs
Video sent by jandmduncan

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Aidyn's first trip to Arkansas--Go Hogs!!

Arkansas trip November 4-14, 2006
We stopped by Cook Springs and introduced Aidyn to Sam and Zelan. Then on to Arkansas--Searcy and Fort Smith. Aidyn met her Uncle Mike, Aunt Mary, and cousins, Kate and Nash. She also met her cousin Eli, Uncle Shayne and Aunt Michelle. Both kids felt bad while we were in Fort Smith. Both had fevers so we took them to doctors for meds. Even though there were more tears and whining than we would prefer, both kids had fun with their cousins.

Aidyn's first Alabama trip

October 13-15, 2006. Aidyn's first trip to Alabama. We stayed at Gannie's house in Prattville. And relatives came to meet her. So Aidyn got to meet her cousin Jack, Aunt Mary Alice, and Uncle Phillip from Nashville. Poppa and Ganny came over from Montgomery. And Great Aunt Wonderful and JT came from Birmingham. We had a nice weekend. And because Spencer had such a fun time at Gannie's house (other than Gannie teaching Spencer to say War Eagle) we plan to stay through the weekend after Thanksgiving too.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Trick or Treat?

First two pics are from our playgroup party. You see, here again Bob is wearing his goggles as he works. We took along a few books to read, including our Halloween favorite, The HalloWiener. Last photos are from our neighborhood party. We carved our pumpkin just be fore we walked down to the clubhouse. We have lived here for five years but this was the first time we attended the Halloween party. The kids played traditional fall carnival games while the adults enjoyed the chili contest. Spencer's favorite part was the hayride. We rode with several of our neighbors, including our new friends that moved here in September. All the families left the clubhouse to trek through the neighborhood for Trick-or-Treating. Aidyn rode in the stroller, while Spencer went on foot. He loved all of the festivities (except for one very scary house that scared us too). It was the best night and will be hard to top in future years. The weather was perfect and the neighbors went all out to make this a fabulous evening.


Stole the first three from Shelly's website, bc haven't had time to charge my camera and the natives are restless to see Halloween pics. First three are from Sunday small group party. Last one is from our church's fall festival. Thanks to Owen's mom for sending us the sweet picture of the Bobs.