Thursday, February 28, 2008


Because so many of you laugh when you learn I like to buy our groceries online. . . . (great service wherein i order and jeremy pulls through the pick-up line on his way home from work) Today we did Walmart, Publix, and Kroger. Just me and the kids and several grocery carts. So here is what that looks like. Not surprisingly I'm the only mom I ever see out doing this with three little kids--they must all use the online service. Notice the kid's drums are coffee containers. They love shopping with me bc they want to drive the race car buggies. And they always love goofing for the camera phone.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


We are friends for life.
When we're together the years fall away.
Isn't that what matters?
To have someone who can remember with you?
To have someone who remembers how far you've come?
--Judy Blume

High school, 1992

And here is Abigail with Preston. She is the fourth child and is laid back like PK so they entertained themselves while the moms enjoyed a fun weekend. Sometimes I forgot the babies were with us bc they were both so easy. Abigail is 20 days younger than PK.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

PK is on the move

Preston has been scooting for a couple of weeks and now he can make it across a room on all fours. He is still pretty slow going but I guess we can call this crawling. He isn't fitting the stereotypical third child in that he is becoming mobile at seven months and that's sooner than Spence and Aidyn. AND Preston is sleeping through the night now so everyone wakes up happy and well rested.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Valentines

Thanks to everyone who sent us Valentines. The kids enjoyed opening their mail.

I got to be a helper mom with Spencer's school party. His teacher helped the kids make these cool mailboxes for all of their valentines. I liked this great shoebox idea and wanted to pass it along to everyone.

Snow day

Hooray we got a snow day. I got out of the shower and started getting the kids ready Wednesday while Jeremy was sick in bed. Rebecca called to tell me it was snowing and that Bible study and preschool was cancelled. So spence and I rushed outside to play in the snow. Since we were unsure how long it would last we just bundled up in layers on top of our pajamas. Spencer loved making snowballs and having snowball fights. Both kids enjoyed riding in their truck though the falling flakes--probably rode around for 30 minutes. Aidyn wouldn't step out of the garage to play in the snow though. She cried like she was scared of the flakes but she didn't want to go inside either.

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Happy Chinese New Year!!

I was too busy to take good pictures, but maybe Niki and Angela can email some of their good photos of Callie and Maggie and the group from the CNY party. I took the kids to Atlanta for our third annual playgroup CNY party. The kids had a blast doing crafts and running around. And we all enjoyed the great Chinese food. Was good to see our friends again.

And in Nashville we attended a CNY dinner at our friend's (Zara, Zena, and Zola) house. We enjoyed meeting families and again doing crafts and eating great Chinese food. Zola and Aidyn were born in the same town. And Zola's mom, Rebecca, and Marsha and Jeremy attended the same university and we have lots of other connections too. We are really enjoying getting to know their family.


Recently Spencer asked if we could bring the whiteboard in so he could draw some pictures for me. So I did. A few minutes later I came through the kitchen and he said, "Look mom. I drew a picture of you." I laughed pretty hard when I saw it. Then he drew daddy next to mommy.

Preston 7 months

Preston is still a happy baby. He can sit by himself now and is scooting on all fours. So crawling will be soon. He loves playing with his siblings. He is about to catch Aidyn in weight. He is almost 19 lbs and she is barely over 20.