Friday, August 31, 2007

Atlanta Gotchaversary

hello atlantans,
we will be in Atlanta sept 10-15th and we would like to see as many of you as possible. we will be at an airport hotel monday through wednesday and then at the shaws in cumming wednesday through saturday. so far our only planned events are to take Aidyn to the zoo for her Gotchaversary on september 13th. we will be joining friends from our china playgroup for the zoo trip. we also want to go out for dinner on thursday evening, september 13th. if you would like to join us for Aidyn's dinner, let us know and we will give you more details. if neither of these times work for you, please let us know if you want to meet up with us on another day or night. jeremy will be working during day on monday, tuesday and wednesday, but the kids and i are free. since we still have our aquarium membership, i will likely take the kids there one day.

hope to see you all,

Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm a Dandelion

Well this is what happens when J runs the bath water. I went in to bathroom to pack for Bham trip this weekend, rounded corner and saw this little face beaming up at me. Then he announced that he was a flower. A human dandelion. And dad had to blow the white fluff off the dandelion.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sweet Baby Preston--Six Weeks Old

Friday, August 17, 2007

Funny Spencer

The photo Spence took of himself. no clue how he added this effect to it.

When did he get so big?

At 7:30 this morning, Spencer came bounding downstairs and announced he needed to go potty and that he didn't need my help. After taking care of business, he went back upstairs. I figured he was playing in his room, but in a few minutes he came through the den carrying clothes that he wanted to wear today, inculding underwear, socks, shoes and a belt. he had used his bathroom stool to get up into his high drawers to gather all the clothing items.

so we put his clothes on him and i took a few photos of the ensemble as he played football. before i got a chance to load the photos to the computer, i look up and Spencer is on the computer taking photos of himself using the imac's camera. i don't even know how to do this, but he has done it several times before today so he knows which icon to click and how to take the pictures. he proceeded to explain to me which steps to take to do this on computer.

3 year olds today are like 6 year olds when i was a kid. so what's he gonna be like at 6?

gotta run. somehow he got a Macaroni and Cheese box open and is at the sink pouring water over the macaroni trying to get the pasta to soften. we need to keep the pantry locked. and apparently the big kids are hungry.

p.s. breakfast update. while i was in den feeding preston, the big kids were eating at kitchen table. after finishing his meal, spence washed his hands in the bathroom, which is commonplace lately. so aidyn starts crying bc she wants down too; she doesn't like being at the table by herslef. thus spence got aidyn down out of her highchair. i didn't see it happen so don't know how he did it. but i heard no crying so she must have helped him. i didn't even know it was happening until it was done they came in the den to tell me.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Hey mom and dad,
It is 94 degrees outside at 10:30 pm.--at bedtime, how can it still be this hot?
High of 106 today.
Hottest August since 1952 here.
But the humidity has been low so it doesn't feel as hot as Searcy.
(I thought about bringing the kids to your house this week while J was in Kentucky but figured at 107 I would be miserable travelling with a newborn. and i knew the big kids would want to play in your backyard the entire week so figure would be better to bring them in cooler weather.)

We checked out the website for Mammoth Cave so we could do something cool this weekend. (cave temp is 54 degrees) but the parks service doesn't allow diaper bags or infant backpack carriers inside the cave so not sure we can make a hike with Aidyn and Preston.

Off exit 7

Things we like here and things we miss since the move:

1. well, we no longer live off exit 7. actually, i have no clue what exit number we live off here bc people don't seem to use exit numbers when discussing places. maybe i should bring that in. or maybe it won't catch on bc there are so many loopdy-loo interstates running through this area. anyway, i still haven't figured out how to tell people where we live.

2. churches on every corner here. almost literally. and full parking lots. so that's a bit different from the city. and people are really friendly here. much slower pace. shorter work hours. shorter commutes. so i guess folks have more time to be involved with a church. we are looking forward to choosing a church, but have only visited three thus far.

3. more $$ in the wallet? we seem to be spending less bc the stores are so far away that no one wants to get out to shop. as my mom put it when she was visiting us, "Going to Home Depot is like driving to Bald Knob. . . it takes 15 minutes to get there." so now we have to make calculated trips out to shop on weekends. especially with three kids in tow--we plan out our route of stores and try to get all the shopping done in one day. for those who never visited us in Atlanta, we had every restaurant and store in our community, most places within three miles of our house. and granted, i hate to commute for any reason. of course, the lack of fine dining nearby means our waistelines may shrink as our wallets expand. no more beating the heat by taking the kids for a stroll at the mall after work and ending the night with takeout dessert from cheesecake factory.

4. beautiful scenery. they haven't built out every rolling hill here so when we are out on our commute to shop we are surrounded by lovely rolling hills. spence comments everytime we are out. he loves the "mountains"

5. no pools. neighborhoods don't have pools here. seems most families join a YMCA. and the YMCAs are everywhere, kinda like the churches. we haven't joined one but if we do they have daycare facilities and activities for the kids while the parents workout.

6. this one would kill some of you: no SuperTarget. haven't seen one yet. but we do have the reverse: a Walmart grocery store--just a grocery store, like Kroger and unlike Target.

7. zero traffic here. zero. (at least none for any of the places i need to drive. J hit some on an interstate commute.)

8. loads of people our age here. with kids. loads. at the churches. at the YMCAs. at Target.

9. no Monica Kaufman Pearson here. instead we get Sticks N Stuff commercials. both are equally bad though. and our eldest son is picking up a nasty drawl. we are working to correct it, but i'm fairly certain it is from watching the local news and advertisements.

10. no Mike Vick. Pacman instead. isn't that a wash?

Friday, August 10, 2007

one month old 8/5/7

August 5th--One month old

july 29th

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Spence came through the den today with a football crammed up his shirt on his belly and said, "Mommy, you didn't used to look like this." Then he went and got a bigger blue ball and stuffed it up in his shirt and told me, "This is what you looked like when Tadpole was in your belly." Hmmph, apparently i had a large belly.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Too hot to be outdoors

This week the temps are supposed to be 100+ so we brought the art easel indoors. Spence painted a story about Thomas the tank engine on one side of easel while Aidyn tried to paint the floor on the other side. Preston slept on the couch during arts and crafts.

Several of you have asked how grandparent detox is going. All is well again. Aidyn has stopped having her daily meltdowns and is laughing again. Spencer has spent much less time in timeout. And actually the paternal grandparents made a short notice trip up for a weekend and both kids stayed positive. So we think we may be past the trauma of the move as it seems everyone is settling into our new home and new life. Spencer still says he misses Atlanta. We have had a few visitors from home that have helped with our transition: Rocky, Ashley, and Camp brought us lunch one Saturday and Sarah came and spent a weekend. We would love to have more visitors. But if you can't make it to us before September, we are planning a trip to Atlanta to celebrate Aidyn's gotcha-versary. More details to come but likely we will be there Sept 12th-15th with a planned zoo outing and dinner with friends.

Madeline babysits

Becky's daughter, Madeline, came and did "mother's helper" for me. The kids love her. Spencer really wanted Benson to be his sitter, but on this day we only had Madeline. We are grateful that we are getting to spend time with Becky and David and their kids. It is nice to finally live in a city with some Searcy friends.