Saturday, March 31, 2007

Baby dolls

Baby dolls, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

March Visitors

Cyclorama, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

We were so busy while Mike, Mary, Kate and Nash were here that this is the only photo I took. I'm hoping that Mary got some good ones. This photo is from the Cyclorama. We thoroughly enjoyed their visit during their spring break. We all stayed very busy and Spence stayed very hyper. He loves having cousins in town. We took in the Aquarium, Chicago Pizza, Cyclorama, and the Varsity. It was the first trip to Cyclorama for all of us. I've heard for years that I should go, especially since I taught US history. Here is a link for more info in case some of you are interested in learning more. Spence was sad for a couple of days after their visit. He loves Kate and Nash. And I loved having them around bc both of them were great help with Aidyn and Spencer.

March Visitors

The following week, Shayne, Michelle, and Eli came to visit us during their spring break. So we had another fun week. Spencer will be so bored next week without any cousins around. Again we did the aquarium and we also played at some local parks and ate at our favorite Japanese hibachi restaurant. The boys drove us all batty with each wanting to play with the same Car but we enjoyed watching them interact as they are now on the same playing level.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

St. Patrick's Day Party

We hosted playgroup today. Spencer was thrilled to have another boy to play with as today was Evan's first time to join us. We played a pot of gold game and made rainbow hats at the park before taking it indoors for lunch.

Weekend in Alabama

See the photos below from our weekend trip to Alabama. We stayed at Gannie's house and then Poppa, Gannie, and Connor came to visit during the day (someone please send me pics from when they were with us bc none of mine saved onto the camera.)

NOtes on the photos:
Spencer and Gannie curled up on the couch to watch a movie.

Celebrating Jeremy's birthday. Gannie and DeeDee gave Spencer some shopping money to buy presents for daddy. He chose an Alabama flag and kites.

Everyone spent time racing cars on the $5 race track. Best $5 toy Ever!!

We had a fun weekend. The kids love going to Alabama.

Visiting our Great Grandparents

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

UPDATED Notes on Spencer--with more of our favorites

Things you probably don't know about Spencer:

1. Every morning he wakes up and asks for Daddy. If Daddy isn't home he wants to know whether he will be home later or at work or at school or on an airplane.

2. He must listen to every Fray song that comes on the radio or tv. He doesn't want anyone else to sing along. And he always wants to replay the song. His favorite is "How to save a life".

3. He quotes the book, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" to himself when he thinks no one is listening. He really likes the part, of "Teacher, Teacher what do you see? I see children looking at me?" (i think that is right; i don't know the book). No clue where he learned it bc we don't have this book. His teachers said they have read it a couple of times in class.

4. His choice of lullaby music to sleep by is the soundtrack from "Joephus" (ie. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat) broadway musical from the 1960s.

5. His favorite meal and most requested is chicken, rice, and french fries. He doesn't like milk, much to Daddy's horror.

6. His favorite activity at any public park is the teeter-totter.

7. He frequently asks to visit the "aquaremum" bc he likes to watch fish.

8. He never wants to sing "Jesus loves me" but has several other church songs that he loves, including "This little light", "Rise and Shine", and "When the Saints come marching in".

9. He likes to help bake by measuring and stirring.

10. He makes a good big brother . . . he doesn't mind picking on Aidyn but he doesn't want anyone else to do so.

11. He frequently uses the rouse of being ill to garner sugars. Such as: "Mommy, I need a kiss to feel me better." Then after the kiss he coughs and says, "I'm still sick. I need another kiss."

12. He loves to dress in costumes and pretend to be that character for the day. (of course you probably gathered that from all the photos of him in costume)

13. He makes any excuse to have a Party, particularly birthday parties. So all family members' birthdays are looked forward to and talked about weekly. He usually knows whose is coming next and spends much time looking forward to the cake and icing. he also enjoys shopping for the presents he gets to give. but he WILL tell the person what the gift is as soon as he sees said person.

14. He demands to wear his bike helmet everytime he rides his tricycle. (but don't tell him it is a tricycle unless you are willing to have a 30 minute argument over the differences between bicyles and tricycles.)

15. He frequently chants this cheer to his sister, "Hey, Hey. Ho, Ho. This whiny baby needs to go."

Monday, March 05, 2007

Aidyn walks!!!!

(Just click on the place where a photo should be if the video doesn't automatically appear and then you will be taken to our dailymotion video account.)
Aidyn has been taking two steps for a couple of weeks. She takes the most steps for her therapists bc they know all the tricks to get her moving. Then this past weekend at Mackenzie's birthday party she took four steps with me--she was so excited about what was going on that she forgot to feel for my nearness and just took off. Then today while her physical therapist was here she did eleven steps. So we got the camera out and are calling these her official first steps. Soon she will be all over the house.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Cinderelly, Cinderelly

Oh my goodness, what a party. Spencer has been so excited about Mackenzie's 4th birthday party because Cinderella was going to be there. Now granted, he would have been even more excited if Lucifer and GusGus were in attendance but Cinderella is pretty big. Both he and Aidyn were invited and both got to go in costume. We picked up Princess Maggie on the way to the party and hyped the kids up more by watching Cinderella as we drove.

Once there all the kids gathered around the front door waiting for Cinderella to arrive. When she did, Spence was in awe--basically clinging to her skirt tails as she floated into the house. He was so proud when she paid special attention to him, calling him Prince Charming and Prince Spencer. He was geared up to fight some dragons or some bad guys but made sure the girls knew they were safe and kept telling people that he wouldn't sword them. There was one older boy there who had come from Taekwondo and they made a pretty good go of it. But most of the party Spencer played in the toyroom, only surfacing to eat lunch and cake, open his gift to Mackenzie which he desparately wanted to open (moon sand kit from Target, really fun if you haven't tried it yet), and get his face painted by the lovely Cinderella. Each place setting for the luncheon had a tiara for the girls. Spencer wanted a "crown" because he was a "Prince" so we finally relented and told him he could have one too. Doesn't he make a handsome Prince Charming?
(Aidyn spent a goodly portion of the party asleep but she did enjoy socializing while awake.)


We got this rug for the den so the kid tables wouldn't scratch the floors but it has been repurposed as the Cars World. Spencer spends hours talking as his car characters here. They each have a house and he makes up adventures for them--when he can keep the babies away from the cars. And we've found that it is great to fold up and take to Bible study with us. The biggest problem has been that wonder boy parks his cars in garages and then forgets where the garages are located. So Daddy and Mama are constantly being summoned to help find them under pillows, sofas, the rug itself. I took the kids shopping at Target and we quickly ran through the clearance section looking for sweat pants and jeans for next year. Spencer piped up with, "How about the Cars outfit?" And sure enough he had found this outfit. The pants are huge so will work well for next year. That little tummy, however, isn't gonna make it much longer in the t-shirt and jacket. But he is enjoying them this winter. And he loves running around and saying, "Kachow" to everyone he meets while he is in character for Lightening McQueen.

Still in our PJs

One morning Ryan Ashton was dropped off early at 7:30 so he was still in his pajamas. Aidyn thought he looked pretty cool. And here you can see she is waving now. She says Bye-Bye well too.

Aidyn's therapy

Aidyn still receives weekly therapy with a physical therapist, speech pathologist, and occupational therapist coming to the house for an hour each. Only once have they all been able to come at the same time. Aidyn loves these ladies. (except when they make her do things she doesn't like). And the boys go gaga over the bags of fun toys the ladies haul in each week. The morning of these photos was a special one for us. The previous week Aidyn had stopped eating from a spoon and stopped bearing weight on her legs--both things she had been doing well since December. Thus there were lots of tears shed by her and mama. Aidyn lost 12 ounces and was back down to 14.0. As you can see here, Aidyn starting eating again that morning. And she started trying to walk again. She has been doing well since. And two weeks later, she now finally weighs 15.0 lbs.