Thursday, October 11, 2007


My oldest babies are becoming good friends. These pics remind me of Callie and Spence playing in this sandbox when they were one. Lots of good times spent building roads ands and caves. Now that the weather has finally cooled, Aidyn and Spencer spend their afternoons playing outside.

They are both enjoying school. Aidyn's personality has come alive since she has been going to mother's day out. She likes playing with other kids and gets excited when she sees her building. Her artwork seems pretty forced. Her teachers say she is too busy playing to stop and do crafts. Sounds like art time at home too. She is weighing in at 18 1/2 pounds at 21 months, but her small size doesn't deter her from taking on bigger kids. She is a spitfire.

Spencer likes his school much better than last year. He actually talks about the other kids and all of the fun they have. Last year he never mentioned his teachers or other students so we are glad that he has become more social and wants to go to preschool. His teacher says he loves storytime the best but has yet to take a nap during rest time. No surprises with either of those.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

My three boys

FW: IMG00010.jpg, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

hmmmm. . . no wonder we get so many comments when we are out and about, they do look alike, don't they??

Preston's first Football game

FW: 1, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

How sad that all of our kids' "firsts" sporting events have been to see college or pro teams when we (J and M) hadn't even been to pro football until we became adults. when they are old enough to remember all these games we will likely live somewhere without a good team. oh well, they will enjoy the perks as long as we can.

cheerleaders :)

cheerleaders :), originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

Do they know any fight songs?

Who to cheer?

FW: IMG00009.jpg, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

We left from church, so Spencer changed into his jersey once we got to the game. Here you can see he hasn't chosen a jersey yet bc we took both Warrick Dunn and Vince Young. After several minutes of debate, Spencer chose the Titans jersey over the Falcons one. And he chose wisely, bc the Titans won.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Preston turns 3 months

PA050013, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

I was frying supper and looked over to see Preston looking at this comic book. I think the black and white print held his attention. And i ran for the camera when he started turning the pages.

Weighing in at 14 pounds, Preston is huge to us. He started rolling over sometime in the last two weeks but we still haven't seen him in action. We just look down and find him on his back after we have placed him on his tummy. He loves to talk and coo with us and enjoys interacting with his siblings.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

Okay, MA, here is the long awaited post:

Last Friday we took the TN cousins to a pumpkin patch at Hicklen Farms--a one hundred year old farm. Spencer's favorite part was when the boys rode in a Gator with me and Mary Alice across the farm to pick out mums. He has loved these John Deere wagons since he was tiny and always loves riding in them. We also choose corn stalks and pumpkins at the barn. Aidyn enjoyed the cat and dog. And Jack loved running through the hay maze. We were the only customers with children so it was a great time to visit the pumpkin patch. The farmers had fun activities for the kids, including coloring their own mini-pumpkins. Spencer also liked running through the pumpkin patch and seeing all of the enormous pumpkins still on the vines. The farmers were a fun, elderly couple and they clearly loved having the kids there and spent the entire visit making sure the kids had fun. We will be making this an annual autumn trip.