Wednesday, April 29, 2009

paxton and Vader

paxton and Vader, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

knight spencer

knight spencer, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

Atlanta trip

Well we have had several trips to Atlanta this semester as Jeremy completes his MBA. These photos are from a father-son weekend. They had a blast visiting with our dear friends, Josh, Kim, Paxton and Lorelei. Spence and Paxton play well together and had tons of fun in their imaginary worlds.


Spencer helped dye eggs again this year. He put Star Wars stickers on most of them.

We had several egg hunts to attend. Each child had a class party at preschool. Marsha was able to attend and enjoyed witnessing the kids hunting for eggs. Especially sweet was Preston's first hunt. He made a mad dash around the playground searching for candy inside of the eggs.

The entire family enjoyed Chris' and Claire's annual Easter Egg Hunt. Lots of kids and Lots of fun.

Spring Program

Here are Claire's photos from our preschool's spring program. The show was cute. Each age group had a separate theme, starting with the 3 year old construction workers who sang songs about building the ark. Then the animals came onto the ark 2 by 2 (that was Spencer's 4s group), singing about the animals and Noah. Then the 5s, decked in boots, raincoats, and umbrellas sang about the flood. Then Aidyn's 2s classes were the sunshines, singing about the rainbow and God's promises. Then Preston's baby class, as more animals, came and sang songs together. Grandma and Grandpa were able to come for the performance and spend several days with our wild animals.


here are some pics i stole from Mary Alice's photo album. all of the photos are from this Spring. isn't she a fabulous photographer???

Mammoth Cave camping trip

caving, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

In March, Jeremy and Chris took Spence and Dean for a fun weekend in Kentucky. They pitched tents near Mammoth Cave, roasted smores, and enjoyed their new winter grade sleeping bags in the 34 degree night temps. The following day they hiked two cave tours and the boys enjoyed their first spelunking adventures as their glow sticks became light sabers.

J and S camping

J and S camping, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

Mammoth Cave Camping

March trip

While Marsha attended a relaxing weekend getaway with high school friends, Spencer spent the weekend with Grandma, Grandpa, Shayne, Michelle, and Eli. He had a wonderful time being the only grandchild there from our family. Jeremy kept Aidyn and Preston home so they wouldn't have to make the long trip to Arkansas.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

aidyn in coat

aidyn in coat, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

Aidyn wearing a coat that Grandma made for Kate in 1995? Aidyn likes to dress up and look pretty. (the coat is really pretty when it is buttoned too--can't tell here but it is even)


Ms. Lindsay

Lindsay, our life saver and the best babysitter ever!!! On this Sunday, she joined us for church as she usually does. Then we all went downtown for a model train show. The children were in love. They were able to touch trains and help run the lines. We nearly froze getting them into the convention center but the exhibits were worth our troubles. Since this outing, Preston has been hooked on playing with our train set at home.

aidyn at window, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

Aidyn wearing a dress that my mom made for Kate in 1995? I'm guessing.

gulf waters

gulf waters, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

aidyn at beach

aidyn at beach, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

The week of Gannie's passing in March, we stayed on in Alabama to have some family time. Spencer and Aidyn enjoyed the beach. It was perfect time to visit and play in the sand and surf bc spring breaks hadn't begun yet and the beach was empty but weather was beautiful.

Here is Preston in Poppa's hotpool. He was asleep when we took the "big" kids to the beach but he did enjoy some swim time in the hot pool.

(btw, i apologize that flickr always cuts the right side of my photos off, but my stupid imac ilife 08 iphoto refuses to allow me to rotate images off of my film camera.)