Saturday, February 17, 2007

Chinese New Year Party

Chinese New Year Party, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

Here is most of the group. Couldn't fit everyone into my photo. We had a fabulous day. We dressed the kids up in their "costumes" as Spence calls them and then headed to MKs doctor for another ultrasound where the entire family got to see "tadpole" who is no longer a tadpole but a SON!!! Now we can start selecting a name for him. Then we attended our playgroup's Chinese New Year Party. Spencer and Aidyn cried when we had to leave the party bc it was FUN. As you can see from the photos, we had a big turn out. Probably 65 people. We ate Chinese food (and thanks to Laura some of it was authentic). Spencer helped me make cupcakes and cookies to which we added sprinkles in Chinese characters for happiness, love, and peace. At the party, Spencer enjoyed making the crafts. He made several Chinese dragons with feathers and streamers. and then all the kids lined up and had a Dragon Parade where they stomped on our bubblewrap firecrackers. Many thanks to Kelly and Kara who helped out with Aidyn.

year of the Pig

year of the Pig, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

Shelby and Aidyn

Shelby and Aidyn, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

Shelby took great care of Aidyn during storytime. She even tried to keep Aidyn from sucking her thumb. We hope she gets a referral soon bc we are ready for Shelby to be a big sister.

Chinese New Year Party

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentines Day from Spencer Incredible

Pirates of the Cribibbean

Aidyn's First haircut