Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Duncan weekend

Thanks to Poppa for sending us more photos from the birthday/Duncan xmas weekend.
As you can see Aidyn enjoyed her first cake. Unfortunately I was totally surprised that she went after the candle as soon as I put the cake in front of her and she got scared when the rest of us yelled but it didn't hinder her from tasting the cake and icing. We were all surprised that she got so messy bc up til now she has not enjoyed touching new textures and has never liked touching her food. Uncle Bup and Aunt MeiMei got the boys knight costumes for Christmas and they enjoyed sword fighting. Spencer has been begging to see Jack again so they can continue the battle. I don't have any pics of the dinner at Dante's Down the Hatch but all of the kids enjoyed the meal and the reptiles and the band and the ship.

I have given up on Blogger letting me load photos and am sending them all through Flicker now so that's why the text may sometimes be separate from the photos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a fantastic weekend!!!! I'm like Spencer,I'm ready to see the continued sword battle. I can't wait to see Aidyn cruising the furniture. Give everyone a hug for me.