Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Everyone Knows I'm in Over My Head

Where to begin?? Well, the pictures chronicle the last couple of weeks. Everyone knows that I babysit and that eleven weeks from now, Lord willing, we will have a healthy baby boy in the Duncan household. If only we knew when and where??

On April 11th, we all went to Nashville and stayed with our cousin Jack, Mary Alice and Phillip. Jeremy interviewed for a new job and Marsha and the kids stayed thru the weekend. On the 15th Marsha drove the kids to Uncle Sams and handed the children off to Poppa. They stayed in Fairhope til Friday with Gannie and Deedee. Then Grandpa and Grandma left Arkansas, got the kids in Alabama and brought them home. Whew. We all spent the weekend working on the house. Grandpa did a fabulous job on our guest bathroom floor. Grandma helped out with the kids and the boys cleaned out the creekbed. And the deck crew finished up the new deck on Tuesday morning. Monday night Jeremy rushed home between work and school to surprise us with Titans and Vandy stuff as he announced his new job in the Tenn/Kentucky market. He starts there on May 21st. So we have a lot to do in the next few weeks. I've already rented a storage garage. Am meeting with a realtor tonight and another on Friday. Chaos reigns here. I'm sad, sad, sad to leave atlanta bc I have loved living here. we have wonderful friends and neighbors, many who have already volunteered to keep the kids, help pack, or help show the house. but we look forward to new experiences in a new place. . . . and hopefully some snow.


Mary Alice said...

WOOHOO! As you already know, we are thrilled, but I might as well say it publicly too.

It will be so wonderful having the kids close together - can you even imagine the fun they (and we) will have? I love the idea of getting together to play or to have dinner on a whim - just because we CAN - and not having to plan a road trip weeks in advance.

Please let us know what we can do to help you here on this end or if you need us to come there and help. Can't wait for you to get here.

Nashvegas, baby!!

Kim said...

Congrats on the new job! Don't overdo it moving - it's a stressful thing so take it slow and easy. Hope everyone is doing well. The kids are getting sooo big!

Doug, Shelly, Ava and Liam said...

You will be sorely missed. You guys have blessed our lives by your presence. I know many good things await each of you in Nashville. Please remember you've got a place to stay in Murry-etta, GA! :-)

We visit some friends in Nashville frequently, so when we're there for a visit, we'll try to look up the Duncan clan!

With love,
Shelly, Doug and Ava