Friday, June 27, 2008

4th birthday

Most of you have heard about our "Sword" party, but for the few of you we haven't seen this year . . . . For months Spence has been asking to have a "Sword" party (much like the "Red" birthday party of 07). The only thing he asked for was to have swords coming out of his cake that he could pull out and play with. At first i thought cupcakes with cocktail swords, but Jeremy squashed that idea bc of number of boys attending party and potential for lost eyes. So Angela thought of small plastic swords and showed me what to look for at supply stores. Fortunately the end result pleased Spence and all the other little folks. (Jeremy got that cool treasure box as part of an Indiana Jones promotion at work and he fixed it up as a chest for the kids to surprise them when they got back from arkansas. he filled it with gold coins and snakes and pirate stuff. about ten minutes before the party i thought to put the cake down in the box). Jeremy had to work the Sunday of Spence's birthday so we decided to have the party at a bowling alley. It was a loud party but of course the kids enjoyed bowling and playing arcade games.


prechrswife said...

Looks like fun! I'm impressed that you were able to come up with a "sword" cake. I need to hear about the "red" party, too. :-)

kim said...

Happy Birthday to Spencer! I can't believe he is already 4! It goes by so fast!! Looks like he had a fun birhtday, Paxton has been begging us for a sword for a while now. I am afraid a certain little sister of his would get wacked one too many times with it!
Hope you all are doing well!