Saturday, September 06, 2008

First Soccer Game

Today Spence had his first soccer game. His team is the green dragons (although Spencer insists that they should be the green beetles). Today five boys were on his team. They played four on four, with a bit of three on three. Spence and another boy played the entire game with only water breaks. The other three boys took turns subbing in and out. The games are supposed to last an hour, so Spence was a tired boy at the end of the game. He thoroughly enjoyed playing. At times you could tell he wants to play goalie, but in the 4 year old teams there isn't a goalie. Several times he dove after the ball to stop it from going near the goal. And once he ran and stood in front of the goal, holding his arms out wide to block balls. Jeremy and I laughed hysterically.
Our favorite part is when he chased down an opponent, passed him, flung himself onto the ball with one long fluid roll, scooping the ball up as though it was a football fumble. Parents of both teams were laughing wildly. Unfortunately I didn't get any of the highlights on video. I was busy using the film camera most of the game and near the end of the game realized how to use the digital camera to take close up videos. So here's the best footage I captured--from the last minute of the game.

1 comment:

prechrswife said...

How fun! I bet that was hilarious to watch. I've never watched 4 year old soccer, but T-ball is hysterical! :-)