Saturday, November 01, 2008

Letter Bag

Spencer came home from school with this letter bag. He excitedly told me that his teacher, Ms. Jennifer, had chosen him to be the first student to fill the letter bag for show and tell. He was so proud. So as soon as we got home from school he ran around the house finding items that start with letter F. He enjoyed this project and was proud of his collection that included a farmer, a flag, two footballs, two fighter jets, a flashlight, a flower, fruit and food. He really enjoys pre-K 4 class this year. He likes to practice his handwriting, cut and glue, and color. He doesn't like Spanish class though and tells us that his teacher can't notice that he isn't really singing the crazy Spanish songs bc all of the other kids are singing so loudly.

1 comment:

prechrswife said...

Glad to see your updates! I've missed hearing from you. Hope all is well. :-)