Tuesday, January 13, 2009

preschool Christmas program

A highlight of our holidays was the kids' holiday program. (Marsha has made every visitor who would sit still watch the video bc it is pretty funny) Aidyn loved being the center of sooooo much attention. Several times she stood up and waved out to daddy, calling his name and saying hello. The audience ooohed and ahhhed at her cuteness. Spencer has been saying all year that he would not be participating in the program so we weren't sure how he would do. But he sang all his songs with all the hand motions and even did some improvisational dancing during a Chipmunks' song. We were very pleased that he enjoyed himself and especially glad that he helped take care of his brother. The baby class is traditionally wheeled out in wagons and we were nervous as to how Preston would do with the audience. But instead his teacher carried him in and placed him a few feet from Spencer and as soon as Preston saw Spencer he made his way through the crowd to sit with Spence. Spence tried to calm him and help him and all was well til Preston spotted Marsha coming down from the balcony to get some photos. But thankfully, when he started crying a teacher quickly took him and helped him get to Daddy. We are proud of our kids and all the progress they are making at preschool this year and look forward to many more Christmas programs.

1 comment:

prechrswife said...

So cute! I'll bet the video is adorable. :-)