Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jedi Knights

Spence has recently moved on from Indiana Jones and now he is consumed by Star Wars--as in we now check out Star Wars books at the library, and play with a couple of Jeremy's childhood Star Wars guys, and play Star Wars Legos Wii any chance he gets. He still loves to play Indiana Jones and he mixes his Indy men with the Star Wars guys. And since Indy and Hans Solo are the same actor we can support him in his fantasy world. Here are some recent pics of Spence and Preston dueling with light sabers. These were taken in a totally dark room. Notice how Spencer dressed himself to go to YMCA that day--clothes over the pajamas. Preston can totally hold his own. He is a tough little guy. His favorite things to say these days are, "Stop It!" and "Uh, uh" and "No, No, No." We have our hands full with him.

Spencer's preschool Valentine's party. Once again, these are Claire's photos.

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