Saturday, September 30, 2006

Medical update

Aidyn's surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, October 4th. We will find out Monday what time we need to arrive at the hospital. And her bloodwork came back with high white blood cell count so we will do more blood work in October to determine if her counts are okay. Her neurologist wants us to start her physical and/or occupational therapy to see how much she improves and then meet back with him in November to see if she still has muscle tone irregularities. We are pleased that she has already gained two pounds in two weeks and that she is progressing rapidly to catch up with her peers. Her doctors say she is currently at the stage of a five month old on all indicators but will hopefully be on track soon with her age group.


Kim said...

We will be praying for her and can't wait to hear an update. She is doing awesome! Good Job Aidyn! You'll be doing handstands before you know it!

Anonymous said...

Good news on the weight gain. I can't wait to see her again. We'll be praying for all of you on Wednesday that the surgery will go smoothly, and you can get this hernia thing behind you once and for all.