Friday, October 27, 2006

Latest happenings

Spencer got to dress up for school today. He was excited to wear his construction "costume" and kept his hammer with him all morning. After three hours of preschool I went to his classroom to pick him up--he was on the floor reading a book and his teachers were smiling and giggling. They said Spencer refused to take off his helmet or work goggles. They apologized in case he had red marks on his face from wearing the goggles for three hours. We have parties to attend for the next four days so Spencer will have plenty more chances to wear his costume. Here is a photo his teachers took from today. Spencer is the youngest in class. A few of the eight are three already. And here is his school photo that we got back this week; picture was taken last week. Lastly, Aidyn's citizenship certificate came in the mail yesterday from Homeland Security. That photo was taken in China and submitted with our Consulate paperwork.

1 comment:

Mary Alice said...

Love the school photo. He is such a little man. And we miss that little man - and his parents and sister too!!