Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Woo Hoo!

Narration by Spencer as he saw me writing this post: "Oh, there's two Aidyn's, wearing a Arkansas shirt." He hadn't seen her wearing this outfit yet.

Aidyn is doing well adjusting to Georgia. She has been home a month yesterday and has been with us six weeks tomorrow. Today she met with a physical therapist, occupational therapist and speech pathologist. They recommended that Aidyn have weekly physical therapy and maybe some speech therapy. So we are hopeful that with therapy she will be on target by spring of 2007.

These pictures were taken this morning as I was getting her down for a nap. I picked her up, put her in a sleeper blanket, and she was asleep before I even walked her to the crib. So you can see that even when she is tired she can flash that pretty smile.


Kim said...

A speech therapist? What language does a baby supposed to speak? Jaiden only speaks in raspberries so maybe she is not on target...what is normal anyway?

Anonymous said...

There's that adorable smile! She is just too cute! Thanks for posting the new pictures and for the update. :-)