Wednesday, March 14, 2007

UPDATED Notes on Spencer--with more of our favorites

Things you probably don't know about Spencer:

1. Every morning he wakes up and asks for Daddy. If Daddy isn't home he wants to know whether he will be home later or at work or at school or on an airplane.

2. He must listen to every Fray song that comes on the radio or tv. He doesn't want anyone else to sing along. And he always wants to replay the song. His favorite is "How to save a life".

3. He quotes the book, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" to himself when he thinks no one is listening. He really likes the part, of "Teacher, Teacher what do you see? I see children looking at me?" (i think that is right; i don't know the book). No clue where he learned it bc we don't have this book. His teachers said they have read it a couple of times in class.

4. His choice of lullaby music to sleep by is the soundtrack from "Joephus" (ie. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat) broadway musical from the 1960s.

5. His favorite meal and most requested is chicken, rice, and french fries. He doesn't like milk, much to Daddy's horror.

6. His favorite activity at any public park is the teeter-totter.

7. He frequently asks to visit the "aquaremum" bc he likes to watch fish.

8. He never wants to sing "Jesus loves me" but has several other church songs that he loves, including "This little light", "Rise and Shine", and "When the Saints come marching in".

9. He likes to help bake by measuring and stirring.

10. He makes a good big brother . . . he doesn't mind picking on Aidyn but he doesn't want anyone else to do so.

11. He frequently uses the rouse of being ill to garner sugars. Such as: "Mommy, I need a kiss to feel me better." Then after the kiss he coughs and says, "I'm still sick. I need another kiss."

12. He loves to dress in costumes and pretend to be that character for the day. (of course you probably gathered that from all the photos of him in costume)

13. He makes any excuse to have a Party, particularly birthday parties. So all family members' birthdays are looked forward to and talked about weekly. He usually knows whose is coming next and spends much time looking forward to the cake and icing. he also enjoys shopping for the presents he gets to give. but he WILL tell the person what the gift is as soon as he sees said person.

14. He demands to wear his bike helmet everytime he rides his tricycle. (but don't tell him it is a tricycle unless you are willing to have a 30 minute argument over the differences between bicyles and tricycles.)

15. He frequently chants this cheer to his sister, "Hey, Hey. Ho, Ho. This whiny baby needs to go."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this list! :-) Spencer is quite a character. I have to admit I laughed out loud at #15. Priceless. :-)