Monday, August 06, 2007

Too hot to be outdoors

This week the temps are supposed to be 100+ so we brought the art easel indoors. Spence painted a story about Thomas the tank engine on one side of easel while Aidyn tried to paint the floor on the other side. Preston slept on the couch during arts and crafts.

Several of you have asked how grandparent detox is going. All is well again. Aidyn has stopped having her daily meltdowns and is laughing again. Spencer has spent much less time in timeout. And actually the paternal grandparents made a short notice trip up for a weekend and both kids stayed positive. So we think we may be past the trauma of the move as it seems everyone is settling into our new home and new life. Spencer still says he misses Atlanta. We have had a few visitors from home that have helped with our transition: Rocky, Ashley, and Camp brought us lunch one Saturday and Sarah came and spent a weekend. We would love to have more visitors. But if you can't make it to us before September, we are planning a trip to Atlanta to celebrate Aidyn's gotcha-versary. More details to come but likely we will be there Sept 12th-15th with a planned zoo outing and dinner with friends.

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