Thursday, August 16, 2007


Hey mom and dad,
It is 94 degrees outside at 10:30 pm.--at bedtime, how can it still be this hot?
High of 106 today.
Hottest August since 1952 here.
But the humidity has been low so it doesn't feel as hot as Searcy.
(I thought about bringing the kids to your house this week while J was in Kentucky but figured at 107 I would be miserable travelling with a newborn. and i knew the big kids would want to play in your backyard the entire week so figure would be better to bring them in cooler weather.)

We checked out the website for Mammoth Cave so we could do something cool this weekend. (cave temp is 54 degrees) but the parks service doesn't allow diaper bags or infant backpack carriers inside the cave so not sure we can make a hike with Aidyn and Preston.

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