Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Preston's first Halloween

five halloween, originally uploaded by asjdkgl.

Trunk-or-Treating with Phillip, Mary Alice, and Jack. Preston is Big Al--his dad's arm is obscuring his Bama jersey.

Trunk-or-treating is Huge in Nashville. All of the churches do this here and it is open to public; whereas in Atlanta our church did one with a fall festival but neighborhood carnivals were more popular. So this was our first experience of hundreds of trunk-or-treaters coming by our vehicle for treats. Jeremy tossed out mini footballs along with our candy so it didn't take long for us to run out of treats. As he blared the fight song from his truck, he made kids say "Roll Tide" instead of "trick-or-treat"--isn't he messed up??

1 comment:

prechrswife said...

Priceless, especially Big Al! :-)