Sunday, November 04, 2007


We have been sick for the past several weeks. Several of you have emailed to check on us bc you noticed the lack of postings here. Thanks for checking on us and praying for us. I'm the only one still dragging, so hopefully we will have a good week and i can rejoin the blogging world. But for now i will tell you a funny line from Spencer. Tonight we watched the making of Disney World on Travel channel and Spence saw the Tower of Terror ride and said he wants to go on it. (we are going there after thanksgiving and he is Really excited about it. he has learned his months as he has been counting down for over a year.) We told him that he will not be big enough to ride this ride bc the seats are made for bigger people. as the ride was highlighted on tv, Spence told us that we can take his car seat and buckle it into the Tower of Terror seat and then he will be safe enough to ride the ride. hmmmmm . . . . what fun we will have.

1 comment:

prechrswife said...

Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. We have a cold making the rounds here, too. Hope everyone is feeling much better soon--you have to be well for Mickey (and to see us while you're down here!)
