Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Introducing our daughter Aidyn Landreth Duncan

Aidyn Landreth Duncan

Birthdate: January 9, 2006

Click on the pictures and they will open into bigger pictures.

Been in foster care since January 11th in Jiangxi Province.

She lives in Tonggu community, associated with Tonggu Social Welfare Institute, which has 80% minority ethnicities.

We will receive her translated medicals, her Chinese name, another picture, and all her information tomorrow or Thursday via FedEx.

Tonight our agency emailed us with the little bit of info they have and two pictures.


Anonymous said...

Oh, dear Lord, thank you for good news, and for our beautiful new granddaughter.

Mary Alice said...

Love her so much already. Can you please go get her NOW?!!!

Love all the rest of you too.
Uncle Bup, Aunt MayMay and Cousin Jack