Thursday, August 03, 2006

More Aidyn info

Translated medical forms came this morning.

On January 11th, Aidyn was taken by local police to the orphanage. So her finding spot is listed as the orphanage front gate. See below pictures of the Social Welfare Institute and its front gate. We may not find out how she came to be under police care. Her birthdate is estimated as January 9th. On January 11th she weighed 5.5 lbs. Height was 14.96 inches.

On April 27th, her medical from was completed. She weighed 11.4 lbs. Her height was 22.83 inches.

Lots of other info is included about medical tests and immunizations. But the most interesting news is the following quoted portions of her medical form:

"She is a lovely child with reddish skin. Her name means growth.

At 1 month, she could suck strongly, cry loudly, move her body when she had a wet diaper.
At 2 month, her daily routine was established. She would go to sleep after bath or feeding.
At 3 months, she started to make some sounds, stand for a moment with help, play by herself inside her crib, tried to find the source of the sounds when you called her name.
At 4 months, she knew when you talked to her, giggled when watching T.V., move her arms and legs a lot in excitement.

Her main food is milk with rice cereal at 260ml each time, 4 meals a day. Her bowl movement normal, sleep normal. She gets up at 8:00am, nap for 2 hours, goes to bed at 9:00pm..

She has a happy life thanks to the orphanage staff and the foster mother.

Most favourate activities: play with other kids
Most favourate toy: toys that can make sounds"

So I guess I will be sending a toy with sound in her care package. We are hoping to get an address soon so we can mail a package this weekend.

Thanks for all of your prayers!

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