Friday, August 11, 2006

What a Difference a Day Makes, and a good contractor,

and two hard-working landscapers!!! Well, this is what our yard looked like yesterday morning, and what it has looked like for the past 8 weeks:

And then Mr. Dan came and rescued our landscape project. We had wanted to hire Mr. Dan at beginning of April bc he goes to church with us, his wife was Spencer's Sunday school teacher, he has the sweetest daughters, and he does beautiful landscaping. His yard is the most fabulous I have ever seen. The kids even have a zip line from the trees that lands at an in-ground trampoline. Sadly, Mr. Dan was booked solid and couldn't fit us in. We really wanted the project done before summer so we hired the contractor who came highly recommend but who became an emotional wreck during a custody battle for his son. Last week the bad contractor stopped returning our calls, so we finally gave up on him ever finishing the project that we hired him to do on April 22.

This week Mr. Dan called us bc he heard from his daughter in our Jr. High class that we needed his help. Yesterday he arrived with two employees and they finished the front yard and part of the backyard. We now have sod in front yard and they made a sodded play area along side of the house too. They brought in beautiful stones and flowering shrubs to line the edge of the sod. These pictures do not adequately show how nice it is now, so you guys will all have to come visit us soon. And now we have to figure out how to keep all the shrubs and grass watered while we are in China for two weeks--Mike, Shayne, P.J., anyone??


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Lord, for Mr. Dan.

Kim said...

Your house is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I know you have to be incredibly relieved. It looks great!