Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Big Brother

Spencer has been a great help to me lately while we have all been sick. Some examples from this week while Jeremy has been away from home:

Monday we had a "take cover" tornado warning and Spence helped build our pillow tent in the bathroom and helped me keep the babies calm by singing songs to them. He was so brave the entire time we were in "hiding" as he called it.

And last night we needed to make a quick run to the library so I put Preston down while he was upset. I loaded the van and gathered the kids. it took me at least twenty minutes. during this time Preston stopped crying. i came back through the den to discover the screaming Preston had been silenced and put to sleep by his big brother. I grabbed the camera before spencer knew that I had seen them. Spencer had found a binky and used it to soothe Preston to sleep. He was still holding the binky to Preston's mouth just to keep him asleep--like he was holding his finger in the dike.

1 comment:

Fletch 4 said...

What a cutie pie! We miss you all so much, but it's nice to stay connected in the world of blogging.

Much love,