Thursday, April 10, 2008

9 months

All over the place this month. One of his latest acts is trying to stand up in middle of a room. It's pretty funny to watch. He can climb the stairs about as quickly as he can crawl so life is fairly demanding on all of us now as we try to keep our eyes on Preston at all times. He has always been easy to put down for sleep time but in the past week he has developed some separation anxiety and now he cries when we go near his crib and he is wanting to be held more. And you'd think the carseat was a bed of nails if you saw his reaction to the thing. As we begin to place him in the seat he contorts his body and bucks up high so that none of him is actually touching the seat. He is still a happy boy though with smiles always at the ready.


prechrswife said...

What a big boy! :-) Where are our babies going?

Doug, Shelly, Ava and Liam said...

My Gosh how he's grown! We miss you guys terribly. We do need to visit Nashville one of these days, but I think we're stayin' put until baby boy arrives (around 07/01).

Give your little ones hugs for us!

Shelly, Doug and Ava