Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mr. Fixer

I was sitting in our backyard, holding Preston and talking on phone to our contractor, when Spencer dropped a cup on the patio and broke it. The cup was mine in 1980 and the kids like it because it has Smurfs on it. When I got off phone I looked up to find that Spence had glued the handle back on the cup. So he had gone into house . . . moved bathroom stool to the craft cabinet . . . opened craft closet doors and got glue stick out . . . then gone back outside to smear glue onto the cup right where the handle should go. I found him pressing the handle into the glue wondering aloud if this glue would be strong enough. He placed it inside to dry and the handle actually held for about a week. Is he a little three year old version of Grandpa???

1 comment:

prechrswife said...

Future engineer? Hmmm... (On a side note, I'm actually impressed that glue stick glue held it in place for a whole week.)