Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Busy Spring

For those who have visited us in the last nine months, here are some pictures of our new family room. Since Easter our house has been a mess with several house projects, the largest being converting attic space into living space. So now we have a toy room adjacent to a family room. Everyone is enjoying the new space, especially Mama since this means all of the toys can stay upstairs.

Preston has taken to riding with his siblings in the F150. Spence has to keep it in slow gear while he has a baby on board. And Aidyn isn't allowed to drive while Preston rides.


prechrswife said...

The renovation looks good. I know you will enjoy having that space.

Love the pictures of the boys in the truck, and we got a good laugh out of the part about not letting Aidyn drive while Preston is in the truck. Chet says Aidyn must just have a learner's permit. :-)

Kim said...

oooooh how adorable!