Friday, July 11, 2008

Busy Night

Hooray, my digital camera is working tonight. So here is the long awaited video of Preston walking--this time he is walking to Aidyn. (Never fear we aren't missing anything; our ancient analog camcorder is very reliable and takes good video so we use it to capture the big moments.) Preston is now walking across the house and is staying busy discovering all the places he has never been allowed to go.

And here is our eldest at a diner tonight. He and dad had a flat tire on the interstate on their way to the Gulf, so they ate supper while they waited on a new tire. Now they have a very long night ahead of them as they wasted three hours with the tire and the road trip still has six plus hours to go.

And I saw a mosquito last night--first one of the summer at our house. We have had a lovely summer so far with low humidity and mild temperatures. We have spent many hours outdoors playing baseball, soccer, biking, walking, and swimming. Aidyn is talking well and enjoys her new ability to communicate. She especially likes telling Preston what he can and can not do, and she has tattled on Spence a few times. All three of them play well together and entertain themselves fairly well.

1 comment:

prechrswife said...

Hooray for Preston! He looked so pleased with himself when he made it to the chair. Glad to hear Aidyn is talking more, too. It sounds a lot like Mary Joyce. We went from being a little concerned about her not talking much to listening to her put words together to make sentences in almost no time. :-)