Tuesday, July 01, 2008

PK update

Preston had a virus last week. He ran a high fever for several days and then broke out all over in spots. Aidyn was sad that Preston was ill and she kept trying to help me care for him. She asked to give him his bottle, so here is a pic of the "big" sister feeding the "little" brother. (He outweighs her a few pounds).

In June Preston started walking, tentatively. He can do 8 steps at a time.

And last night at swim lessons, Jeremy discovered Preston's first tooth. Two little teeth are under the gums. So if he hurries, Preston will get two front teeth for his first birthday, this Saturday.

1 comment:

prechrswife said...

First of all, I love that picture. That is hilarious. Aidyn is a good "big" sister, isn't she? Mary Joyce has no patience for holding Katherine's bottle. She always gives it back to me quickly.

Can you believe we are coming up on first birthdays for our little ones already? Where has the time gone?

I'm glad to hear Preston is feeling better. Being sick is no fun at all.

That's amazing that he is walking already. Crawling is still Katherine's preferred method of locomotion. She really isn't even pulling up yet. She has a mouthful of teeth, though, and she knows how to use them. :-)